Thursday, September 22, 2005

Night Receptionist VIII - Jobs

I’m now so tired I feel sick. I’ve written a lot tonight, and I’m happy for that. But I’m ready to go home. I’m ready to cuddle up with my dog and sleep. From where the hotel is located I can’t even watch the sunrise – what good is that?

I’ve done everything I could. I can’t figure out how to charge anything to the rooms – which actually may be a good thing. Marie still isn’t here.

I’m left contemplating my future. Being an overnight receptionist, a breakfast-waitress, and a full bartender has taught me something: I need a “real” job. I have an opportunity to work on a yacht next year and as great as it sounds to travel the world and get paid well for it, it’s looking less and less promising for the following reasons:

1.) The boat on which I was going to work was to be ready in February. Now the earliest will be May, though more likely June.
2.) The man with whom I was going to work is in love with me and I just can’t handle being in close quarters with him.
3.) While I was under the impression we’d make a tour of the globe – travel from St. Tropez to Corsica, Sardina, Tunisia, Greece, through that straight near India (I’m exhausted, bear with me), to many of the islands in the Indian Sea, down to South Africa and finally across the Atlantic to spend next winter in the Caribbean – it turns out the farthest we’d go is northern Africa.
4.) The job was originally going to be year-round, and I planned to partake in it from February until the following May (something like 16 months, getting paid for 17 as a yearly bonus) but now will run from June (if we’re lucky) to September.
5.) I’ve been told that if I don’t get back into PR within 18 months of my last job (which I completed in December) than I am undesirable as a candidate for a “real job” for fear that I’m only rejoining that career path in order to save enough money to return to France and bum around some more.

Then I got to thinking… Maybe I want to begin what’s next. Maybe I want to start being a press secretary or being international marketing or hey – maybe I’ll work for improving Franco-American relations. I’ve just got so many dreams!

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