Saturday, June 11, 2005

I just slept through an amazing beach day.

But there will be more… like tomorrow, for example. And yesterday was a long day; I needed my sleep.

Yesterday I woke up very early to go to Ramatuelle’s bureau du post to see if they finally received my package – but nothing. Realizing there was little I could do (speaking absolutely no post-office French), I began my first day of work with the only pair of black pants I owned (and they were a bit dirty) and tried to make the best of it.

Work was… well, interesting. As I had said, the morning involved several hours of cleaning – and the type of cleaning I don’t really care for. And, as I later found out from a friend at Papagayo who had worked at Stefano’s before, Stefano does not pay you any extra if you come in at 9:30 to clean or 5:00 to work. I also found out, unfortunately, that Papagayo would not be hiring. I’m not sure if they wouldn’t be hiring me or in general, but I guess I have to give up hope for that incredible job…

I returned to Stefano’s for 7 and helped prepare for the 100 covers we’d do that night. Stefano himself is an eccentric guy, the two girls I work with are the most beautiful women I have ever seen in my life, and the chef is Italian and only slightly crazy. And the service was terrible. I’m the only one working who has any idea what good service may be – and that doesn’t say much…

Needless to say, I spoke a little bit of French (the two girls are both from South Africa and Marina – the chef – and Stefano are insistent on practicing English) and managed through the night. We finished early, around 1:30, and went to enjoy some of St. Tropez’s incredible nightlife… But it’s still early in the season, so the four of us (the two girls and the chef) were among the few out. We managed to have a very good time at VIP Room and Caves du Roy before getting lost on the way home. And two of them were on a scooter in the cold night… hahah

I was worried about walking home in the dark, but lucky for me (I guess?) the sun began to rise just as I arrived at the long driveway to the cabanon after making some very important phone calls ☺. Sunrise over the ocean is amazing. I was way too tired for pictures, though… But I’m sure it won’t be the last I see. In fact, I think seeing the sunrise will be a normal occurrence from now on.

Stefano wants me to work 6 days a week. No idea yet about hours or money, but I do know that he is flexible and negotiable. His restaurant is his baby – his toy that he wasted all his money on after growing rich owning a successful Italian business. When my family comes to visit, he’s already promised me at least two full days off each week. And I think work will begin for the most part in the afternoon…

Ok… just finished my breakfast on the beach of this beautiful day. I must prepare for another night at this crazy place.

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